
The company | Philosophy

who we are

We Are Construction Company with over 20 Years Of Experience

The Companies that have a variety of knowledge, but they insist on what they know best, are the most successful ones.
The most prosperous are the ones that accumulate their knowledge around the same activity.ยป
T. Peters & R. Waterman.
Having this saying as a principle EDH Constructions continuously updates its knowledge on contemporary building materials as well as on new applications with materials that are absolutely friendly to the human being and to the environment with unlimited capabilities. For this reason, EDH Constructions is taking care of its continuous update for the use of the knowledge to the public and its application of it to the company’s various constructions.


The company | Quality

Our Efforts

EDH Constructions’ efforts are to succeed the Total Quality throughout all of the sectors of the company’s operations. The products’ quality as well as the quality of the service offered are not negotiable and is the company’s main goal.
However, the company’s approach to the Total Quality of its system (TQM) makes the difference in the final outcome of the products and services.
Therefore, good quality can be mirrored not only in the company’s construction but also in customer service, the supplier department, in the creative department, and generally in all different sectors.
Inside this framework of thought, the company’s objective is to create the best practices for all of its operations. The three basic and important values that dominate the company’s operational processes are:


A construction company that prioritizes quality as a core value aims to deliver projects that meet or exceed industry standards. They focus on using high-quality materials, employing skilled workers


Integrity is a fundamental value that emphasizes honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior. A construction company with a strong commitment to integrity maintains open and honest communication


Safety should be a top priority for any construction company. A value-driven approach to safety means implementing rigorous safety protocols and procedures to protect workers, subcontractors, and the public.

our leardership

meet the team

Trisha Brown


Dorothy Post

Interior Designer

Darrell Jones


Sondra Frye


Fast And Reliable Service For Your Project Or A Quick Fix, We Do It All!